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Fmax Airspeed Cobra
Fmax Airspeed Cobra
Fmax Airspeed Cobra
Fmax Airspeed Cobra
Fmax Airspeed Cobra
Fmax Airspeed Cobra
Fmax Airspeed Cobra
Fmax Airspeed Cobra

Fmax Airspeed

discounted pricefrom £99.90original price£159

Cobra F-Max Airspeed hybrid is for men and women with slightly slower swing speed as the club is built with lightweight components and offers forgiveness.

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Fmax Airspeed
discounted price£99.90original price£159


Cobra F-Max Airspeed hybrid is built to be lightweight and is for golfers with a slightly slower swing speed. This is to help increase swing speed and generate more distance. With the head’s low profile, it’s easier to access the ball and with a weight placed low and far back in the sole, it’s easier to get the ball up in the air. The offset design means the club head is behind the shaft, making it easier to counteract slice and keep the ball flight straight.
Hälviktning, is that Cobra has placed the weights further towards the heel and deeper to get the ball to lift more easily.
Offset design, is that the club head sits slightly behind the shaft and is closed at address. This ensures the face stays closed through the swing and counteracts slice tendencies.
Klubbhuvud med låg profil, ensures the club head sits flush against the ground, which makes it easier to get under the ball when swinging through it.

Product information

  • Design ColorBlack-Pink
  • Headcover includedYes


4 Hyb23°59.5°38.75"RH/LH
5 Hyb26°60.0°38.0"RH/LH
6 Hyb29°60.5°37.5"RH
7 Hyb32°61.0°37.0"RH

Standard grips

Women's COBRA Lamkin REL – Black
Women's COBRA Lamkin REL – Black

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