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Chrome Soft X 22 White Callaway
Chrome Soft X 22 White Callaway
Chrome Soft X 22 White Callaway
Chrome Soft X 22 White Callaway

Chrome Soft X 22 White

Tour balls
4.9(15 reviews)
discounted price£31.99original price£54.99

Callaway Chrome Soft X is developed to generate a longer ball flight from the tee than the normal Chrome Soft model. Soft and comfortable feel at impact, and optimal spin cont...

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Chrome Soft X 22
discounted price£31.99original price£54.99


Four-piece Precision Technology quality control and hyper-elastic SoftFast core produces tour-class distance, spin and control with every club. Thin urethane cover further improves the feel and gives outstanding spin control. Tour Aero dimples give optimal performance in wind, with a slightly lower ball flight and longer distance.
Hyper Elastic SoftFast core , gives more distance, less spin from the tee and better control around the green.

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  • Design ColorWhite

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