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Mavrik Max 22 Callaway

Mavrik Max 22

4.8(4 reviews)
discounted price£109original price£169

Callaway Mavrik 22 is a new production of Callaway’s previous successful Mavrik range which was first launched in 2020. There are more similarities than differences and with t...

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Mavrik Max 22
discounted price£109original price£169


Callaway Mavrik 22 is equipped with a club head that contains exactly the same technology as the original Mavrik model. Two visual differences are that the finish has a matt copper colour and that the head cover now has a refined look. The Flash Face is manufactured in high-strength steel, with Face Cup technology to give the hybrid a consistent ball speed over the entire face. The Jailbreak technology remains, with two metal rods connecting the crown and sole to make the head more stable upon impact with the ball. The non-adjustable hosel saves weight which can be redistributed in the head to give the club more forgiving properties.
Flash Face Technology, is a pioneering technology produced by Callaway’s engineers using AI. The face has been designed using a supercomputer which results in a different design and Callaway’s fastest and most forgiving face ever. Flash Face SS20 is unique to every model and loft to get the most out of every shot.
Jailbreak Technology, As with previous models, the Jailbreak rods are also found in this hybrid. The Jailbreak technology means that two rods on the inside of the head stabilise and hold together the crown and sole to isolate the energy transfer throughout the whole club face, and thereby generate greater ball speed during both good and poorer contact.
Face Cup, the technology involves enclosing the face with a rim which flexes at the moment of impact and contributes to giving the ball even greater speed.

Product information

  • Headcover includedYes

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