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SkyTrak+ Launch Monitor + SkyTrak
SkyTrak+ Launch Monitor + SkyTrak
SkyTrak+ Launch Monitor + SkyTrak
SkyTrak+ Launch Monitor + SkyTrak
SkyTrak+ Launch Monitor + SkyTrak
SkyTrak+ Launch Monitor + SkyTrak
SkyTrak+ Launch Monitor + SkyTrak
SkyTrak+ Launch Monitor + SkyTrak
SkyTrak+ Launch Monitor + SkyTrak
SkyTrak+ Launch Monitor + SkyTrak

SkyTrak+ Launch Monitor +

Traning Aids

SkyTrak+ is an updated version of the previous SkyTrak model. It is a portable launch monitor that can be used both indoors and outdoors. A perfect training aid for those who ...

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SkyTrak+ Launch Monitor +


SkyTrak+ gives you the chance to practise golf professionally. It has several different metrics such as; Club head speed, smash factor, club path, face angle, launch angle, total spin, descent angle, max height, ball speed, side angle, spin axis, total distance and carry distance. Compared to its predecessor, SkyTrak+ has been updated with a Doppler radar system for more accurate values as well as more readings. The optics are also sharper and more accurate. By using the database built by SkyTrak, you can measure yourself against optimal shots and golfers at all skill levels. The device is charged using USB C connector. With access to over 100,000 golf courses (including St. Andrews, Pebble Beach, Pinehurst, Bandon Dunes and more) and the best game simulation software in the industry, SkyTrak+ will immediately transport you to courses worldwide that you can play with your friends from the comfort of your home. When purchasing a SkyTrak+ the range function is included and to access other features, a SkyTrak membership is required. Read more and register at No special balls or stickers on your clubs are needed to get accurate data. You can seamlessly connect SkyTrak+ to your computer, TV, smartphone or iPad via Bluetooth.
Shot Optimiser, What do all the numbers on the screen mean? How much spin should your driver generate, what is the perfect height with an iron seven? Hit the shot and let SkyTrak+ tell for you what’s optimal so you can train more efficiently.
Bag Mapping, Knowing how far you hit with your clubs is a crucial factor for a good score. Mapping out your shot lengths with each club increases your likelihood of making the right club choice out on the course – to make the perfect shot.
Practice Randomiser, Exercise with a purpose. Choose an upper and a lower distance and then hit the shot to position yourself in between. In the range function, you can also place up to ten different goals to aim for.

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