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ZX5 Srixon
ZX5 Srixon
ZX5 Srixon
ZX5 Srixon
ZX5 Srixon
ZX5 Srixon
ZX5 Srixon
ZX5 Srixon
ZX5 Srixon
ZX5 Srixon
ZX5 Srixon
ZX5 Srixon
ZX5 Srixon
ZX5 Srixon


5(1 reviews)

Combining control with distance, the Srixon ZX5 MKII is a model that can be played by tour pros as well as the intermediate golfer.

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The Srixon ZX5 MKII driver is a driver that focuses on distance. With a larger baseplate than its predecessor, a slightly lower design and an 8-gramme weight placed low and far back, the ZX5 MKII lets you combine a very forgiving driver that hits straight, long and high with an appearance that appeals to all golfers, from the tour to the intermediate golfer. You can set the driver to loft +/- 1*, different lie and angle on the face. A replaceable weight of 8g allows you to adjust the swing weight and centre of gravity to favour a higher or lower ball flight.
Rebound Frame, two individual flex zones transfer even more energy to the golf ball, which leads to increased ball speed and longer shots. This is similar to the face operating as a trampoline with springs as legs.
Star Frame Crown, a complex series of reinforcements do what it takes to get an extra thin titanium crown and to place the weight where it best suits each ZX MKII player’s ideal launch and spin properties.
Variable thickness, a pattern of variable thickness gives a higher COR area across the entire face. This unique build-up improves how energy is transferred on contacts outside the sweet spot.
Arccos, If you buy this club, you can order free Arccos sensors using a QR code on the clubs. Arcco’s golf sensors give you access to state-of-the-art technology for tracking shots that records every ball you hit during a round. From your first drive to your last putt, Arccos captures and analyses data, giving you invaluable insights into your performance and a plan to help you improve.

Product information

  • Headcover includedYes


LoftAdjustable loftLieLengthVolumeHand
9.5°Yes58.5°45.25"460 ccRH/LH
10.5°Yes58.5°45.25"460 ccRH/LH

Standard shaft

Project X HZRDUS Red Smoke RDX
Project X HZRDUS Red Smoke RDX
Project X HZRDUS Smoke Red RDXSenior50 g5.9MidMid
Project X HZRDUS Smoke Red RDXRegular60 g4.5MidMid
Project X HZRDUS Smoke Red RDXStiff60 g3.5MidMid

Standard grips

Tour Velvet 360 Black
Tour Velvet 360 Black

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